I asked this in the office and it met a frosty reception - but I guess religion is a divisive issue.
Also - zombie safari? There's an idea there.
A rare strain of flu so powerful and so deadly it can only be matched by the Bubonic Plague and Aids. A incurable virus which has adapted to only effect the "XY" gene found in men. The virus attacks the immune system 10,000 times harder than the average flu virus, causing excruciating pain for the victim. Man Flu has no cure and prayers can save the forsaken life of the infected. The often deadly virus is mostly laughed at by women who sadly cannot contract "Man Flu".Woman: Is he ok?
Doctor: I'm afraid not, I'm sad to say he has Man Flu- Quote from UrbanDictionary.com
I had a random thought. I went to the pub. I returned. I made... something...
S’up bloggers and bloggets, I’m currently sat in our department’s monthly meeting and could think of no better time for updating my blog. Considering our Director has just drawn a picture of a leaking bucket in order to explain to the group how our business is currently a “leaky bucket” and described the Senior Management’s strategy for hitting a budget £1.5 million over projected growth as “magic”, I don’t think I’m missing much.
Some general thoughts and musings:
I’ve now decided I hate Radio1 and refuse to have it on even in the background. The worst aspect of this being the incredibly lazy journalism which rears its ugly head every half hour. Instead I’ve moved over to Magic FM… Dr. Fox’s smooooth classics are a great way to wake up every morning.
Lady GaGa’s new track is the worst piece of pop music I’ve ever heard in my life.
For some unknown reason I’ve started looking for a wedding ring on the fingers of those ladies I gawp at on the Underground. I have no intention of speaking to these women but subconsciously I still feel it necessary to look for silverware.
I’ve started carrying a handkerchief around with me as I think it looks much better than tissues or wiping snot on your jeans. I know I’m just carrying around the contents of my nose in my pocket but it just feels right OK?!
All five thoughts I’ve just mentioned along with my embarrassing fall in the shower this weekend have made me realise I’m a really old man.
I really want to get a Blackberry. Not because I will use its capabilities to their fullest extent, just because I think it looks cool. Is this the modern day equivalent of a Secondary School kid taking a briefcase to classes?
I re-watched The Office - UK edition again this weekend and it’s no longer a hilarious and outlandish take on a crazy world I’ve never been to, but a harrowing documentary on how pointless it is getting up every morning. I prayed this day would never come.
I’m going to work on my “I’m pretending to listen to you face”. It needs more eyebrow.
Still not heard anything from Doha and Qatar Airways. I’m starting to think that interview went really badly.
I can’t wait to see the gang down in London this weekend! I’ve planned a kick ass itinerary which should be waiting for you all in your inboxes.
Ok so following up from yesterday's post, I did indeed both film my house and purchase a new phone.
The new phone could be viewed as a downgrade in terms of features, as it doesn't have quite as many gadgets as my old phone; but I decided that I didn't need any of those extra features - all I need is something to make calls, send/receive texts and look stylish. Therefore I decided to go for the Sony Ericsson T303. It doesn't have lots of features, but it's small, cool looking and was very cheap (I paid under £30 for a new one). Also as my previous phone was also Sony Ericsson, it meant that the learning curve was barely even there - as learning how to use a new phone is a nuisance.
Secondly, the video - I made a quick video of the house yesterday before popping into town, so here it is. Enjoy :)
Right, that's all I've got time for I think. Gonna go bust a move, grab a shower and find me a phone - maybe a laundry basket too. I shall leave you with a most excellent song that I heard on Radio 6, which we listen to everyday at work - it's awesome. I've become a big fan of George Lamb, but the real delights for me are Danny Wallace, who occassionally sits in for George Lamb and has long been recommended to be by a certain someone (you know who you are) and also Adam & Joe, who I have been a fan of for a long time.
Anyway, enjoy: Jack Penate - Tonight's Today
[Ed. This post was written about 2 weeks ago and I had just saved it on Blogger rather than actually posting it.]
Yes yes yes - I've been rubbish with posting (again). This was innevitable. Let's all calm down and realise what's important in our lives - Arnold Schwarzenegger. I am currently sitting in Ian's lounge, with him and Chris, watching my 2nd Arnie film of the last few days. Saturday saw me watching Total Recall - one of the greatest cinematic feats of the 20th Century. We are now watching The Sixth Day on Channel Something and drinking ale - times are good.
No doubt Ian will later read this and be disgusted with the fact that I have blogger all over his couch - but I'm sure I'm not the first and will undoubtedly not be the last. Anyway, I'm gonna get back to Arnie-loving. I'll give you an update tomorrow or sometime later this week with how apartment hunting goes. Adios amigos.
I have now completed two days working at my new job. It’s pretty good as admin jobs go. It’s no doubt more entertaining than most due to the inherent drama that is associated with the teenagers that the company helps. I had forgotten how much teenagers manage to imbue an unnecessary amount of drama into all life’s seemingly inconsequential ups and downs. Watching them express their concerns is like watching an unconvincing soap opera on TV – great stuff. The other staff I work with are all nice and have been very helpful – which is good, as I can only pretend like I know what I’m doing for so long without assistance. Fortunately all of the job’s requirements of me have been well within my abilities and I’ve been able to impress with a modest amount of IT savvy (and no doubt being dashing and charming won a few hearts and minds too).
Job aside, I’ve been occupying my time with exercising and my future plans – both long term and the more immediate future. In the immediate future – I will joined by one of my more lovely friends (a girl in other words) this weekend to go to a party with some lovely
Stretching slightly further into the future I am planning some partying in Leeds at the end of this month, followed by more London shenanigans early next month, then Manchester again and then very possibly Liverpool. All of this being dependent on finances of course as I have no idea when my first pay cheque will be. I must admit that I am rather relishing the idea of not being poor again. As much as I have been able to live quite comfortably on my modest budget, those of you that know me well will know that comfortable and modest are not life goals that I strive for. I am very much all about indulgence and extravagance and generally satisfying my every whim without worrying about consequence.
As far as long term plans are concerned, I have been investigating which countries I would like to visit. I was originally thinking
I was going to leave you with some cool music to download, but t'internets is thwarting my most excellent plans. Instead I am going to go play GTA IV online on my Xbox 360 and leave you with a slight feeling of emptiness. Adios.
[Ed. "Here ya go - I fixed t'internets: DJ Yoda/Sway - Chatterbox. Enjoy."]After seeing that many of my friends are now blogging and after some mild encouragement , I've decided to give blogging another punt. I'm not envisaging a massively strong return to form - atleast not at first, but I'll crack on and see what comes out.
Might as well start with a personal update. As you may all recall, up until recently (well, kinda recently) I had been living in
So here I am - in Merry Ol' England. Now not to worry, this isn't all doom and gloom ; as I realise my opening paragraphs have set that kind of theme. I wanted to start a blog on a vaguely positive note, so luckily I have positive things to say. For a start, I have mostly really enjoyed being a bum living at home. Once I got used to it, it was great. All my food is bought/prepared for me, clothes are washed and ironed and there is no rent - this is all good. Couple this with the fact that I have endless free time to exerise, eat healthy, play Xbox online, catch up on the TV shows that I missed while I was busy living life - also most excellent. Then, as the final icing on the cake, the government gives me just enough money every week to keep myself stocked of DVDs, Games and booze (gotta go out and socialise sometimes). I thoroughly recommend unemployment to those wth the right attitude (and circumstance I suppose). All I do is work out, play games, watch TV, eat nice healthy food and go party with both old and new friends. Times are good.
Ok, so I may have fudged over somethings and glamourised it a little - but on the whole, I am pretty content. However, as much as it's nice to be a bum - I knew this would just be a short time thing, because there are much better ways to spend my youth than just chilling out. I'm considering this a taster session for retirement (assuming that happens). So, other than the good parts of unemployment, there is that one large, ominous cloud hanging overhead that we've all encountered at one point or another - job hunting...
Job hunting is life's way of trying to crush and grind your spirit like black pepper. It is incredibly easy to become disillusioned and demoralised and I have seen it happen to many friends - it's happened to me once or twice as well. As much as it sounds a bit clichéd, the key really is determination, perseverence and positivity. Upon coming home, I took a month to get used to life in
Luckily my friends are good enough to regularly call me on being a lazy goon and don’t let me quit the hunt for work. So, feeling morally obliged to find work, I persevered with my quest to eliminate my free time and, as of last Thursday (8th Jan), that dragon has been slain (so to speak). Thanks to a friend of mine hooking me up with a trial day at his place of work, I have now gained employment and from Monday (12th Jan) I will be attempting to pass myself off as real person with a job and everything.
This will now allow me to get back on with my plan, consisting of 3 main points:
3) Leave the country – As much as I like