Sunday, 25 January 2009

Drizzle Fo' Shizzle

My last post got me thinking - namely about 'drizzle'. Here are some drizzle related wonders/musings that have been kindly provided by our sponsors - The Magic of T'Internets.
  • Drizzle "(also called mizzle) is light precipitation consisting of liquid water drops smaller than those of rain, and generally smaller than 0.5 mm (0.02 in.) in diameter." [Wikipedia]
  • Drizzle could be a suitable nickname for Dr Dre.
  • Drizzle is "a story which develops around a young marine biologist and his assistant, who suddenly find themselves able to communicate with whales at the same time the International Whaling Commission, following a twenty year moratorium, re-opens the seas to harvesting whales." [A novel by John H Burns]
  • Drizzle could be urban slang for the derailment of a train... D-Rizzle.
  • Drizzle is "hydroponically grown marijuana." [Urban Dictionary]
  • Drizzle in French would be 'Drizzlé'.
  • Drizzle is "a lightweight SQL database for Cloud and Web" - you're guess is as good as mine. [Launchpad]
  • Drizzle is one of the 'Stealth rains' - along with 'Spitting'. You'll be soaked through before you even realise that it was raining.
  • Drizzle is "the best little independent ISP in the Puget Sound region". I don't know what a 'Puget' is or what sound it/they make. []
  • Drizzle is the appropriate action to take when applying lemon juice to your pancake prior to the addition of a light dusting of sugar.

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