I forget where I left things, but as of the last 2 weeks I have been a working man - just like a normal person. These two weeks have been pretty good. However, I absolutely loathe waking up in the morning - man should not rise before the sun. Fact. Waking up feeling like a zombie, with bleeding eyes and hatred towards everything can't be good for people and it can't be just me that feels this way in the mornings. On the plus side, I received my first non-government paycheck since August, which was very nice indeed. Being poor is not for me. Hopefully over the next few months I'm going to be able to save up a nice big wad of cash - then I will definitely have to pull my finger out and come up with a plan.
I'm now trying to think what else I've been up to recently. Not alot it seems. Work has taken over my days - something we all experience and tolerate, but something we all slightly resent when it comes close to the end of Sunday and Monday looms afore us like an ominous zeppelin, full of irrate monkey managers screaming and throwing pots and pans down at you from the heavens while you desperately try and catch them all like an over-worked character in a retro computer game. Atleast that's how I envisage work being tomorrow. But atleast I'll get in tomorrow and be reminded that it's actually a nice place to work, with pleasant people; think of those poor souls who actually do have the job of cleaning up after the Monkey Zeppelin.
This weekend I decided to take it easy and chill like a villain - exercising, eating wonderful things, playing on Xbox Live with friends and catching up on TV. It's been absolutely fantastic. This is the disguised blessing of work - as soon as you lose your free time, the rare times where you can just sit on your backside doing very little seem like bliss. I guess it's like they say, without the bitter the sweet wouldn't taste half as... sweet - something like that anyway. I'd say it's like how having pancakes with only sugar on and no lemon would be considerably less amazing than going the whole hog and drizzling that lemon juice all over the shop. Not applying the lemon juice also prevents you from utilising one of life's rare opporunities to 'drizzle' - think about it; how often do you drizzle things?
I think that's enough for now. I am going to go watch the first 2 episodes of the new series of Lost. I am very excited. My friend informed me that the new series had started, so I downloaded the new episodes on Thursday and saved them for today. Many people have lost interest in Lost over the years, but it's one of the few shows that I'm sticking with and I love it. When I finally get around to visiting Canada, I am also owed a delicious Cold Stone ice cream thanks to a Lost-related wager - you know who you are ;)
Anyway, enjoy whatever you were doing prior to reading this or had planned for after reading this. If you are now at a loose end then I shall leave you with this excellent tune that I discovered recently while educating myself as to what is currently in the charts...
Madcon - Beggin'
Monkey Zeplin... Classic!!
Loving the work mate, keep it going and I may have to join you again!
Hehe good stuff. Yeah man, you should get stuck in. Your life is more interesting than mine anyway ;)
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