I have now completed two days working at my new job. It’s pretty good as admin jobs go. It’s no doubt more entertaining than most due to the inherent drama that is associated with the teenagers that the company helps. I had forgotten how much teenagers manage to imbue an unnecessary amount of drama into all life’s seemingly inconsequential ups and downs. Watching them express their concerns is like watching an unconvincing soap opera on TV – great stuff. The other staff I work with are all nice and have been very helpful – which is good, as I can only pretend like I know what I’m doing for so long without assistance. Fortunately all of the job’s requirements of me have been well within my abilities and I’ve been able to impress with a modest amount of IT savvy (and no doubt being dashing and charming won a few hearts and minds too).
Job aside, I’ve been occupying my time with exercising and my future plans – both long term and the more immediate future. In the immediate future – I will joined by one of my more lovely friends (a girl in other words) this weekend to go to a party with some lovely
Stretching slightly further into the future I am planning some partying in Leeds at the end of this month, followed by more London shenanigans early next month, then Manchester again and then very possibly Liverpool. All of this being dependent on finances of course as I have no idea when my first pay cheque will be. I must admit that I am rather relishing the idea of not being poor again. As much as I have been able to live quite comfortably on my modest budget, those of you that know me well will know that comfortable and modest are not life goals that I strive for. I am very much all about indulgence and extravagance and generally satisfying my every whim without worrying about consequence.
As far as long term plans are concerned, I have been investigating which countries I would like to visit. I was originally thinking
I was going to leave you with some cool music to download, but t'internets is thwarting my most excellent plans. Instead I am going to go play GTA IV online on my Xbox 360 and leave you with a slight feeling of emptiness. Adios.
[Ed. "Here ya go - I fixed t'internets: DJ Yoda/Sway - Chatterbox. Enjoy."]
Go to Cuba! I need an excuse to go there and as I used you for said purpous last time, I'd like to do it again. Thank you.
Or somewhere in South America please. :)
lol yeah those places are well tempting. Could always go to Brazil, as I already know the food is awesome and the people are fun :)
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