Since Andy has been terrible at updating his blog and I really want to unload I thought I would give it a go. As I had a little trouble with my last attempt at this with people googling me, I've tried not to use my normal name so if I've messed up and my name comes up let me know.
Well, just got back from a job interview in Qatar Airways in Doha. I was expecting it to be an in and out discussion since I'd been suggested for the job by my current manager who would be my new manager in my new job. After a very long flight and sitting around for hours waiting to talk to my interview people it went remarkably well... I made up loads of stuff about how I knew about airlines and they bought it all. I MAY have overdone it a bit as before I knew it I was sat in the VPs office with him asking me whether I'd like a job negotiating all their codeshares. After about 5 minutes of a few very basic questions the jig was up. He was either delighted with the answers I gave or disgusted his HR department for paying for the hotel and lunch I had slept in and devoured respectively . I wont have confirmation of which way it went and will have to wait until I get an e-mail from them some point this week. I'll be sure to update as soon as I get something.
On a slight side track I met the other guy going for the original job who was thoroughly nice. He used to work for Delta Airlines and had recently taken voluntary redundancy. He got 6 months pay in one lump sum and FREE FIRST CLASS travel anywhere in the world for 2 years! Where would you even start with that offer on the table? Answers on a postcard please.
Awesome blogging :)
Good to have you onboard.
Most interesting update - that'll be well good if you get that job. I am totally gonna have to come join you over there. Fingers crossed this week for ya man :)
Cheers mate, it's quite cathartic this whole blogging thing isn't it?!
Yeah man - it's good for what ails ya :)
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