Guess I better bust out a quick update anyway. Firstly, the £12.50 diet - it's going alright so far. Mostly been eating lots of fruit, salad, tuna, baked beans, whole grain bread and some Ginger Nut biscuits. My daily calorie count is pretty low on this diet, but it's covering all the essential food groups I reckon. So you're is unlikely to get malnutrition, but given the low calorie count, you couldn't keep it up indefinitely I suppose. I have so far spent £9.42, leaving me with £3.08. Granted it's only Wednesday, but I have enough food at home to last me for the rest of the week. I will probably use the £3 on Friday to get more fruit for the weekend. The only thing that has made this a bit tricky is that I have had the dreaded ManFlu since Sunday evening.
A rare strain of flu so powerful and so deadly it can only be matched by the Bubonic Plague and Aids. A incurable virus which has adapted to only effect the "XY" gene found in men. The virus attacks the immune system 10,000 times harder than the average flu virus, causing excruciating pain for the victim. Man Flu has no cure and prayers can save the forsaken life of the infected. The often deadly virus is mostly laughed at by women who sadly cannot contract "Man Flu".Woman: Is he ok?
Doctor: I'm afraid not, I'm sad to say he has Man Flu- Quote from UrbanDictionary.com
Secondly, as many of you may be aware, I was on BBC Radio 6 on Monday. I was on George Lamb's weekday show. I'm sure I came across as the div kid that I am. If you want to listen to it, you should be able to catch it here for a limited time.
Other things that spring to mind:
- If you're planning to lose weight, I'd suggest the self-imposed budget restraint method rather than Rami's IDOYT diet, as even though I am sure there are merits to both systems, I'm pretty sure no-one ever suffered chronic kidney failure from beans on toast.
- From what I've listened to so far, Rokysopp's new album seems on a par with previous efforts and, as such, is well worth a listen. You can listen to the entire album on their website.
you have to make sure it is flu and not a cold due to the old feed a cold starve the flu malarky. we all know flu is a virus.
Lol you're thinking of starving a fever. In any case, seem to be getting better :)
I prefer it in brass
hehe that was ace.
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