- As previously mentioned, I am living in Sheffield. This is proving to be most excellent. The job is going well thus far - the work is within my abilities and the people are nice. It's the kind of office environment that I enjoy.
- With few exceptions (like last night) I am being mega healthy these days. I most just eat salads, fish and a little pasta; I even take little tubs of salad to work. I'm also getting stuck back into my regular exercise regime. Need to get to a comfortable level somewhere between where I am now and Christian Bale in The Machinist - that's just disturbingly skinny.
- On the whole health note, I made a 'DaMe' (だめ) list this month. DaMe is Japanese for 'Don't do it/Stop it'. Basically it's something I came up with in Japan - think about things that you've been over-indulging in or just want to give up, write them down in a list and write the date of when you started on the top (is easiest to go inline with calendar months I find) then keep the list with you at all times. If you fail an item, you must cross it off the list. It's simple I know, but I find that I won't stick to something unless I write it down - once it's on paper, it's law. I recommend it to anyone who wants to be a bit healthier - though be warned that you will get a weird response from everyone, as most people regard it as ridiculous. Anyway, on my list for March are:
- Beer
- Chips
- Cheese
- Crisps
- Chocolate
- I am going to buy a new phone after I write this post. I've tried looking online and chosing, but I can't decide. So I am just going to go into town, as I need to explore Sheffield anyway, and pick one at random. Hopefully I'll get something half decent for around the £70-80 mark. I don't want a new phone, but my old one is struggling with life even more than I am, so I think it's only fair to give it a rest.
- Next weekend I am going to London - hopefully to celebrate Ramaldo's new job and failing that, just to celebrate in general, as he is rapidly about to join me and other fine minds upon the old man bench.
- I am rapidly growing tired of drinking - every time I go out I find drinking more and more of a chore. I think next month I will take beer off my DaMe list, as I really like drinking ale just for enjoyment. Then I will put either a 2 or 3 drinks per day limit onto next month's DaMe list. A whole month without drunkeness - should be interesting.
- When I get back from town I will make a quick video of my house and my room and get it uploaded for you - so stay tuned.
Right, that's all I've got time for I think. Gonna go bust a move, grab a shower and find me a phone - maybe a laundry basket too. I shall leave you with a most excellent song that I heard on Radio 6, which we listen to everyday at work - it's awesome. I've become a big fan of George Lamb, but the real delights for me are Danny Wallace, who occassionally sits in for George Lamb and has long been recommended to be by a certain someone (you know who you are) and also Adam & Joe, who I have been a fan of for a long time.
Anyway, enjoy: Jack Penate - Tonight's Today
Wallace is amazing! Make sure you get the Adam and Joe podcasts if you get a chance.
Gd call - will tell iTunes to hook me up :)
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