[Ed. This post was written about 2 weeks ago and I had just saved it on Blogger rather than actually posting it.]
Yes yes yes - I've been rubbish with posting (again). This was innevitable. Let's all calm down and realise what's important in our lives - Arnold Schwarzenegger. I am currently sitting in Ian's lounge, with him and Chris, watching my 2nd Arnie film of the last few days. Saturday saw me watching Total Recall - one of the greatest cinematic feats of the 20th Century. We are now watching The Sixth Day on Channel Something and drinking ale - times are good.
Other things of note involve... hmm - I can't think right now. The whole quitting job and moving to Sheffield is the big news. I've come up with a backup plan too - assuming this job ends after 2-3 months, I plan to move to Australia and make my way in the world. Still, we'll see how it goes.
No doubt Ian will later read this and be disgusted with the fact that I have blogger all over his couch - but I'm sure I'm not the first and will undoubtedly not be the last. Anyway, I'm gonna get back to Arnie-loving. I'll give you an update tomorrow or sometime later this week with how apartment hunting goes. Adios amigos.
I think you should have put your editors comment at the beginning of your blog... you confused your reader(s) greatly!
I was worried the city of Sheffield was stuck in some sort of limbo and time has stopped passing.
hehe yeah sorry about that - I'll try n crack out a quick update now before I exercise.
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