Wednesday, 11 March 2009

How London is making me bitter pt. 1 and london lite free evening newspapers

Week One:
What's this, a free newspaper? How convenient! It's great how all the people handing them out are all standing in ideal places to ensure you get a copy just before you get onto the Tube.

Here's an article in here on Lilly Allen and where she goes on a night out. I can't see why any of the ladies would buy their usual Heat magazine if they can just dip into these papers and get their fix of daily gossip. Loads of London news and things to do as well as the sport in the back too! Sure it gets my hands a little smudged with ink but hey, its a free newspaper and it gives me something to read on the way home for a few minutes. Well done to whoever set this up for coming up with a fantastic business idea. I wish I'd thought of it.

End of Year One: Just f*** off, f*** off and get out of my way!! I'm trying to get home and here you are, standing in the way of the Tube entrance making everyone walk around you as you desperately hand out your filthy, stinking rags. You shove those disgusting papers full of the same half ar$ed cut and paste articles from the Daily Mail and adverts for sh*tty new build apartments in Slough into peoples hands who are too polite to say no. I am going to slap you with the weighty novel I've taken to carrying around with me without actually reading it because I think it will impress pretty girls. They should find out who's organising this ritual inconvenience to the whole of London and hang them up by their knackers.


Anonymous said...

Shit's some real talk right there.

Lightning Jack said...

hahaha brilliant - yeah anyone who tries to burst into your bubble is probably a bastard. The other day a lady tried to stop me outside Somerfield with the lure of free chocolate - she seemed positively baffled when I dismissed said free chocolate with the wave of my hand and a little shake of the head. The power of the DaMe list strikes again!