Friday, 13 March 2009

Dear Shower...

Shower: What up fool! How'd you like your shower today - too hot or too cold?

Me: Is there any chance of a happy medium?

Shower: ...?

Me: You know - like just warm or a moderate temperature?

Shower: I can't understand a word you're saying.

Me: Ok ok - on the one hand we have hot, on the other hand we have cold; put you hands together. What do you get?

Shower: I can't even talk to you. You're just talking nonsense.

Me: Can you atleast try and imagine a temperature between hot and cold?

Shower: Tell you what - you seem to like imagining things; you just came up with this conversation after all. So how about, I run at whatever damn temperature I please and you just imagine it's what you wanted?

Me: I see. While we're on the subject - is there any chance you could just pick one temperature and stick to it? Rather than changing your mind every 2 minutes.

Shower: Walk away - walk away now.

Me: ...


Ramaldo said...

Massive lols mate...

Loving how your shower sounds like a well eductated ethnic minority!

Lightning Jack said...

lol it just seems to fit somehow.

Anonymous said...

What's the deal with airline food?

Anonymous said...

Hah - not one of those again. Just when you get used to your parents snazzy stuff you get landed back in student style conditions.