After seeing that many of my friends are now blogging and after some mild encouragement , I've decided to give blogging another punt. I'm not envisaging a massively strong return to form - atleast not at first, but I'll crack on and see what comes out.
Might as well start with a personal update. As you may all recall, up until recently (well, kinda recently) I had been living in
So here I am - in Merry Ol' England. Now not to worry, this isn't all doom and gloom ; as I realise my opening paragraphs have set that kind of theme. I wanted to start a blog on a vaguely positive note, so luckily I have positive things to say. For a start, I have mostly really enjoyed being a bum living at home. Once I got used to it, it was great. All my food is bought/prepared for me, clothes are washed and ironed and there is no rent - this is all good. Couple this with the fact that I have endless free time to exerise, eat healthy, play Xbox online, catch up on the TV shows that I missed while I was busy living life - also most excellent. Then, as the final icing on the cake, the government gives me just enough money every week to keep myself stocked of DVDs, Games and booze (gotta go out and socialise sometimes). I thoroughly recommend unemployment to those wth the right attitude (and circumstance I suppose). All I do is work out, play games, watch TV, eat nice healthy food and go party with both old and new friends. Times are good.
Ok, so I may have fudged over somethings and glamourised it a little - but on the whole, I am pretty content. However, as much as it's nice to be a bum - I knew this would just be a short time thing, because there are much better ways to spend my youth than just chilling out. I'm considering this a taster session for retirement (assuming that happens). So, other than the good parts of unemployment, there is that one large, ominous cloud hanging overhead that we've all encountered at one point or another - job hunting...
Job hunting is life's way of trying to crush and grind your spirit like black pepper. It is incredibly easy to become disillusioned and demoralised and I have seen it happen to many friends - it's happened to me once or twice as well. As much as it sounds a bit clichéd, the key really is determination, perseverence and positivity. Upon coming home, I took a month to get used to life in
Luckily my friends are good enough to regularly call me on being a lazy goon and don’t let me quit the hunt for work. So, feeling morally obliged to find work, I persevered with my quest to eliminate my free time and, as of last Thursday (8th Jan), that dragon has been slain (so to speak). Thanks to a friend of mine hooking me up with a trial day at his place of work, I have now gained employment and from Monday (12th Jan) I will be attempting to pass myself off as real person with a job and everything.
This will now allow me to get back on with my plan, consisting of 3 main points:
3) Leave the country – As much as I like
I've just read the first blog entry the critics are raving about...
"Who the hell is Andy Markwick" The Times
"How did you get this number" The Times
"Stop calling me for quotes you nasty little oik" The Times
"A triumphant return to blogging from this generations finest lounger. Enough to fill any cynics heart with love and joy for this rapscallion" Rami El-Dahshan
Feels good to be back :)
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