I had 3 ways in mind to express my creative impulses. The first is the picture below.

Not much I know, but just a brief shout out to some upstanding pillars of the international community. Granted BxOxTxC might not mean alot, if anything, to most of you, but it is a reference to something that I have for too long neglected. See the aforementioned blogs for an insight. I have not made a video for quite some time and it was today that I had the vision of what my next one shall be; said theme being BxOxTxC. Stay tuned for more developments on that one.

The other main thing that sprang to mind while reading my friends' blogs was my urge to flee Britain once again. I know I go on about this all the time, but it's a hard feeling to keep in. I'm not going to rush off any time soon as I currently have a cool job which pays well and this is a good situation for me to be in right now. However, I've been reminded that there are so many amazing places out there and I really need to go visit them sooner rather than later. To this end, I've currently been saving about £1000 a month and will continue to do so until the time to act is upon me.

Granted it could all be a combination of the recent sunshine, the energetic music I keep listening to, my lack of patience and having friends abroad - but I'm feeling a big tug towards the great unkown [Ed. Well, unknown to me].
I'm so buzzed and excitable recently - maybe it's all this healthy food I keep eating. Who knows. All I know is that I need adventure. I feel a bit like the Anti-Pinocchio; he was so desperate to become a real boy and it's a fate I'm trying desperately to avoid.